New Members Welcomed...

The Walla Walla County Sheriff Search and Rescue is always looking for new members. If you are interested in participating or just finding out more about WWCSSAR activities, you are always welcome at our business meetings, team training sessions and most board meetings.

Persons who are interested in joining should have the ability and desire to spend the time necessary to get and stay trained and to respond to missions that always seem to occur at the worst possible time. Rescue is our goal but safety is the foundation of everything we do. To be safe, we expect that members are in physical shape, are equipped properly, and actively participate in the trainings and practice search activities sponsored or supported by the WWCS SAR Council. Because of the nature of Search and Rescue (SAR), each prospective member must pass a background check that is conducted by the Sheriff's Department.

Becoming a Member...

1. Print and complete application packet items. 

2. Email Membership Chairperson, Robert DeWayne at to make an appointment to meet and hand in the application packet. 

Prospective Member Packet